Research on Cloud computing architecture

18 March 2019 - 11:14 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the Department No.4 on was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. 

Oktay Alakbarov, Chief Specialist, delivered the presentation "Cloud computing architecture".He said that mobile devices of mobile cloud computing are a new networking technology that connects to cloud computing systems over the Internet and uses its services with the help of base stations.

He spoke about the types of mobile devices and presented the development dynamics of mobile devices connected to the Internet.  The speaker talked about the types of cloud computing, the services used in mobile cloud computing and their application areas. Mobile computing clouds are widely used in such areas as "Mobile Commerce", "Mobile HealthCare", "Mobile Learning" and "Mobile Gaming".

O. Alakbarov presented the advantages of mobile cloud computing. 

The speaker informed about the centralized and hierarchical architectures of mobile cloud computing, the capabilities of Cloudlet.

In the end, O. Alakbarov stressed the importance of the work done in the field of information security, confidentiality, protection of information integrity and cyber attacks in mobile cloud computing.

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