Republican scientific-practical seminar on "CERT services: cyber threats and protection methods" held

14 March 2019 - 16:46 | Conferences, assemblies

In order to enhance the effectiveness of coordinated activities and awareness level, as well as general training in the field of cybersecurity, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies holds the first International Cyber Security Week in Azerbaijan on March 11-15.

Republican scientific-practical seminar on “CERT services in the Republic of Azerbaijan: cyber threats and methods of their protection” was held on March 14. The event was co-organized within the framework of Cyber Security Week by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Special State Protection Service and Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The main objective of the event was to hold discussions on the achievements, upcoming tasks of the CERT services operating in the country, issues of information exchange between relevant entities regarding incidents, prospects for international cooperation, as well as integration into relevant international agencies.

ANAS Academician-Secretary, Director of ANAS Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that within the framework of the “Cybersecurity Week” the following events were held: “Regional Internet Governance Forum”, “Hackathon Competition”, "Sustainable and safe cloud environment", "ISO 27001 certification", etc.

The scientist said that important measures have been taken for the effective organization, management, coordination, in-depth study of new approaches and training personnel to combat cybercrime in our country. ANAS provides scientific support to public policy in this direction, he stressed.  R.Alguliyev brought to the attention that, information security is one of the priorities of the academy, and along with the technological aspects of information security in the organization, research is being conducted on political, ideological, economic, humanitarian, cultural and other aspects.

"One of the most important issues related to ensuring cybersecurity is the rapid response, analysis and synthesis of network security incidents."- he highlighted.

R. Aliguliyev said that it was not by chance that the event was held at the Institute, and that the country's first information security study was conducted at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. He noted that the conceptual views on information security have changed, and since the 1990s, about 400 articles were published and new technologies are being studied with the rapid development of information technology development.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Velizade, said that this event was the only scientific and technical seminar held within the framework of the “Cybersecurity Week”. He stressed the importance of the event in terms of educating society about cybersecurity.

Deputy Head of the State Agency for Special Communications and Information Security of the Special State Protection Service Azar Ahadov spoke about the work carried out in the field of cybersecurity in the country and the formation of an information security culture, protection of information processes, protection of information resources and systems from possible threats. The speaker said that the organization he manages is successfully fulfilling the tasks set by the country's leadership in ensuring information security.

Then, the head of the Department of the institute, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev delivered a report on “Evolution of CERT: New Trends and Challenges”. He told about the first CERT team created in the world, about existing CERT teams in Azerbaijan and about their types, service portfolios, organizational models, development and new trends in this area.

Head of the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Faik Farmanov delivered report on “Activities of the Electronic Security Service (”, head of the State Agency for Special Communications and Information Security of the State Security Special Service Tural Mammadov - “The activities of in combating the threats of a new generation. The presentation of the newly created service”.

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