SDN systems' security technologies analyzed

19 February 2019 - 15:45 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department № 4 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.  Opening the event, Deputy director on technology, Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Rashid Alakbarov noted that the seminar was devoted to the analysis of SDN systems' security technologies of and its challenges.

Institute’s employee Orkhan Mensimzade delivered the presentation. SDN allows network administrators to manage networks through high-level functionality.  According to him, unlike conventional network architectures, SDN simplifies the network management model that allows operators to manage the network more conveniently.

O.Mensimzade said that this technology is based on the application of architecture, management and data transfer. Application level allows rapid response to different requirements of network operators.

The management level consists of protocols that perform common SDN functions. Management and data transfer levels are interconnected with "OpenFlow", "NetConf", “APİ”  (Application Programming Interface) and so on.

In the end, views on presentation were exchanged and questions were answered.

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