A meeting on the improvement of the scientific publications of ANAS held

19 February 2019 - 14:41 | Conferences, assemblies

A meeting of the Scientific Publishing Council of ANAS was held on February 19 in the main building of the academy.

The meeting discussed the measures to be taken to implement the Decree of the Presidium on December 14, 2018 "On monitoring of scientific journals of ANAS and improvement of publishing activity".

The event was attended by President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh, members of the Presidium, as well as directors of scientific institutions and organizations, as well as chief editors and responsible secretaries of the journals published in the academy.

Academician A.Alizadeh opened the meeting and said that the publication of scientific journals is of great importance for the integration of Azerbaijani science into the world science and the development of the country's modern level of development and its potential. The issue of improving the quality of scientific journals at the academy has been maintained by the Presidium in recent years. For this purpose, he noted the composition of the Scientific Publishing Council, as well as the preparation of proposals for the improvement of scientific publications in the Academy.

At present, about 50 journals have been published at ANAS and the quality of the publications is low and that they are not accepted by “Web of Science”, “Scopus’ and other international bases, A.Alizadeh said.

He also pointed out that a number of publications were professionally functioning, four journals on mathematics and chemistry, and Web of Science, and a magazine included in the Scopus scientific base. The academics said they were planning to provide financial assistance to these journals.

A. Alizadeh touched upon the importance of the publication of the main publication of ANAS, "Lectures" journal, emphasizing the necessity of publishing here scientific innovations.

Then chairman of the Scientific Publishing Council, correspondent member of ANAS Misir Mardanov presented the results of the monitoring of scientific journals published in the Academy. He said that the monitoring was conducted within 2 months, the existing gaps were identified and the steps to be taken were resolved.

4 publications – “Azerbaijan Mathematics Journal”, "The Works of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics", "Chemical Problems" and "Oil Chemistry and Petroleum Processes" have been accepted to the "Web of Science" platform. Besides, 25 scientific journals of ANAS meet the basic requirements and have the necessary potential for access to influential international scientific bases, M.Mardanov stated.

He said that the methodical manual on the "Rules for writing articles in the authoritative magazine" would be drawn up by the council.

Vice-presidents of ANAS, academicians - Isa Habibbeyli, Dilgam Tagiyev, Irada Huseynova, Academician secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, Academician Nazim Mammadov, correspondent member of ANAS Bilal Bilalov, Ph.D. in Physics Mayis Gyulaliev and others spoke about the existing problems and voiced their proposals. 

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