Measures are being taken to strengthen and stimulate the scientific activity of young people

15 February 2019 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS the action plan of the Young Scientists and Specialists Board for 2019 was discussed. The Action plan was presented by the senior researcher of the institute, chairman of the board Narmin Adigozalova. She informed about the number of young scientists, articles published in 2018 and articles published in the republic and abroad conference proceedings.

The chairman of the board said that last year young scientists of the institute participated in local and international scientific events and made speeches in mass media.

N. Adigozalova informed about the work planned for the current year.  She noted that projects aimed at strengthening and stimulating the scientific activity of young people, as well as international Olympiads, conferences, forums, seminars and workshops would be organized.

She also highlighted the work to be done on the organization of social and cultural activities of the youth. According to the speaker, this year it is planned to attract young scientists to English language courses, to participate in TV programs, intellectual games, competitions and Olympiads, as well as to organize competitions among young people. Besides, for effective organization of leisure time social events, "Summer School" and "Open Doors” days would be organized.

N. Adigozalova noted that the young scientists of the board were awarded rewards and awards, and noted that in February, the researcher of the institute Gunay Iskenderli was awarded diploma of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Honorary decree of ANAS for her successful activity in 2018.

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