The current state of ICT training in the Republic discussed

15 February 2019 - 12:30 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the department head, Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Firudin Aghayev delivered a presentation on "Current state of ICT training in the Republic: international experience, problems, perspectives and solution ways ".

He informed about the development of syllabus on software engineering for undergraduates by “SE2014 Curriculum”, the latest version of the educational standard on informatics and software engineering by ACM and IEEE, the curriculum of INCOSE, ACM, IEEE on software engineering for master’s student, a set of knowledge on software engineering by SWEEBOK.

He also talked about North America and the "Career Space" European Consortium approach on the training of IT professionals, specialty division on IT specialties, the teaching of specialties on the ICT sector.

F. Aghayev presented the list of ICT specialties in universities of the USA, Russia, Japan, Asia and the content of educational programs of US and Canadian universities on ICT specialties.

F. Aghayev spoke about the problems of software engineering teaching in Azerbaijan and the importance of using the experience of leading countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, and the Russian Federation to address their problems in the field of IT training and the challenges facing them.

Then he made proposals for the solution of existing problems in our country.

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