A consultation held to improve the coordination of scientific researches

25 January 2019 - 10:48 | Conferences, assemblies

As it is known, on January 17, 2019, a meeting of the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held.

On January 25, the Presidium of ANAS hosted a conference on the current state of websites and the implementation of the tasks ahead with the participation of responsible persons of websites of scientific councils.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that the problem of coordination of science is an important issue and that this issue is in the center of attention of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Academician R.Aliguliyev spoke about the activities of the council which is chaired by the President of ANAS, academician A.Alizadeh and noted that the optimization and improvement of the activities of the scientific institutions are the main goals. According to the scientist, certain studies are currently underway in the Higher Attestation Commission to harmonize and simplify the process of awarding scientific titles and scientific titles to the requirements of modern times.

One of the important tasks of the Head of State in front of scientists and specialists is related to the development of electronic science, R. Alguliyev said at a meeting of the Scientific Research Council on January 17, discussing the current state and prospects of e-science, as well as certain assignments.

Then Rena Gasimova, Head of Scientific Research Coordination Department, Ph.D. in technical sciences informed about the results of the monitoring compliance of 16 scientific council websites with 16 regulatory requirements.

Later, the head of the Head Office of Science and Education of the Presidium of ANAS, correspondent member of ANAS Aminagha Sadigov emphasized the importance of regulation of the problem councils and the adoption of the Statute for this purpose.

Finally, speeches were discussed, questions and suggestions were sounded.

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