Work is underway to implement services of GEANT Association

23 January 2019 - 10:50 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Head of International Relations Department Babak Nabiyev spoke about the action plan of the department headed by him. B. Nabiyev spoke about the work carried out in the department in 2018. He noted that the institute cooperated with various international organizations and associations, participated in international projects, created regional telecommunication network, held international conferences, trainings in the country and abroad and carried out scientific researches with foreign scientists. Institute cooperated with a number of international organizations and scientific institutions of more than 50 countries.  A  meeting was held with 10 scholars and specialists from 5 countries, 11 foreign employees attended the institute and 52 foreign PhD students participated in the Informatics course, he noted. 

In the framework of cooperation with the GEANT Association, the speaker noted that various international projects were implemented in 2018, as well as the work carried out in the direction of international relations and cooperation in departments.

Then, he presented the action plan of the department. Organization of international relations of the institute and work with related organizations, the establishment of contacts with the European Union's representation in Azerbaijan, participation in conferences and meetings with foreign guests and provision of feedback with the participants of the conference are intended activities of the department. 

According to the head of department, cooperation with GEANT Association will continue this year, GEANT services (eduGAIN, eduVPN, perfSonar, fileSENDER, etc.) will be implemented , regular meetings with project managers within EaPConnect project will be held. Besides, the EaPConnect2 project will provide relevant information to project managers, and preparation for the EaPConnect conference to be held in Azerbaijan in 2020 will be held.


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