The report of the Institute of Information Technology for 2018 delivered

26 December 2018 - 15:40 | Conferences, assemblies
The report of the Institute of Information Technology for 2018 delivered

On December 26, at the reporting meeting of the institutes of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences for 2018, an annual report of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was delivered.

The report was presented by Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev. He spoke about the scientific achievements of the Institute for 2018. He noted that in the reporting year, the institute participated in resolving issues arising from the National Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014–2020, the Development Concept “Azerbaijan 2020: Looking to the Future”, the State Program on the Socio-Economic Development of Regions of the Azerbaijan Republic for 2014-2018 ", the Strategic Roadmap for the prospects of the national economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, orders and instructions of the President of ANAS, as well as the Presidium of ANAS and the General Assembly ANAS.

The academician said that the Institute carries out scientific-theoretical, scientific-organizational, scientific-practical and innovative activities, the formation of e-science, the activities of the Educational and Innovation Center, the Wiki Center and the AzScienceNet scientific and computer network, international cooperation, promotion and popularization of scientific knowledge. He gave detailed information about the scientific and theoretical activities of the institute. Speaking about the research conducted in the field of scientific and theoretical problems of information technology and the information society, the scientist noted that this year the institute conducted research in the field of Big Data and Data mining, cloud technologies, information security, software engineering, e-science, information economics, linguistic informatics, cyber-physical systems, e-education, scientometrics, e-demography, etc. He stressed that in 2018 the institute staff published 99 articles, 4 books and 2 express information, as well as 114 presentations were delivered at international and national conferences. Of the 213 scientific papers published this year, 80 were included in the authoritative bases (WoS and Scopus, etc.), and 1,177 were referred to articles of the institute's staff in the reporting year, and a total of 6554 times.

The scientist said that the "Problems of Information Society" and "Problems of Information Technology" journals published at the institute are indexed in  Copernicus, INSPEC and Google Scholar.

Academician R.Aliguliyev brought to the attention that as a result of the conducted research, new models for evaluating journals, articles and scientific activities of researchers were proposed, an approach based on sentiment analysis of user comments was proposed for identifying activities related to terrorism in the e-government environment. Based on weight clustering to detect anomalies in Big Data, a special model of attack trees was proposed for the systematic analysis of cyber attacks and threats in cyber-physical systems. He also noted that the institute staff proposed a method for detecting DDoS attacks on corporate networks based on modification of limited Boltzmann Gauss-Bernoulli type machines, suggested a model for multidimensional assessment of social network security threats, and also proposed methods and algorithms for optimal synthesis of mobile cloud computing.

The speaker noted that this year 1,166 doctoral and Ph.D. student studied at the  " Scientific Informatics" courses and passed the exam, of which 496 were doctoral students and 670 were Ph.D. students.

An exchange of views on the report took place,  questions were answered.

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