Computer game using artificial intelligence helps to learn sign language

13 December 2018 - 12:30 | Interesting information
Computer game using artificial intelligence helps to learn sign language

In Canada, the startup Stradigi AI developed a computer game that, with the help of artificial intelligence, helps people with hearing problems to learn the main sign language in the United States and the English-speaking part of Canada - aim.

Computer game from a Montreal startup called The ASL Alphabet Game.

A man must imitate 26 letters of the alphabet on an alien. Convolutional neural networks classify player hand movements. Points are awarded for correct repetition of gestures.

The artificial intelligence used in the game studied gestures analyzing 100 thousand images. The developers meticulously selected videos containing these frames. This was necessary in order to minimize the possible bias of the neural network.

Gestures that a person demonstrates during a game are evaluated in three stages: First, artificial intelligence analyzes the position of the hands when they are in front of the webcam. The resulting images are transmitted to the second neural network, which classifies player gestures. At the final stage, artificial intelligence creates heat maps with a more accurate assessment of the position of human hands.

The developers of Strategy AI claim that the artificial intelligence system they use for The ASL Alphabet Game works with an accuracy of 99.03%. A Canadian startup spent about 1.5 months developing a computer game. Employees of the Canadian Center for the Hearing Hearing were involved in its creation.