Assessment of social security in e- government environment studied

05 December 2018 - 14:22 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the report of the department No.17 for 2018 was discussed. Head of the department Rasim Mahmudov presented the report. This year, the problems of the formation of e-government, information society, scientific-theoretical problems of Internet science, information war technologies and multidisciplinary problems of social media formation have been investigated.

R. Mahmudov spoke about the work done on the topic "Development of mechanisms for the formation and effective management of e-government". The development of a multi-dimensional decision-making model for the evaluation of candidates on the subject, development of the model for e-government modeling, the protection and development of the Azerbaijani language in the e-government environment, analysis of the role of social media in the e-government and assessment of existing threats, as well as e- the study of the scientific and theoretical foundations of the formation and the development of the conceptual model were carried out.

In the current year, 20 articles were published in authoritative international journals recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and 10 conference materials were published in authoritative conferences, seminars and symposia.

The exchange of views on the report was held, and many questions were answered. By the decision of the scientific board, the department report was considered satisfactory.

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