Results of monitoring of websites of ANAS scientific institutions and organizations announced

04 December 2018 - 09:00 | Important events

It is known that the Presidium of ANAS made a decision on July 15, 2015, on "Monitoring of websites of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS". According to the decision, the website of the academy and the monitoring of its websites are assigned to the Institute of Information Technology, within the framework of the e-learning environment in Azerbaijan.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev delivered a speech at the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Institutions of ANAS.

48 websites of 55 scientific institutions and organizations involved in the monitoring. A group of specialists from the Institute of Information Technology involved in the monitoring, covering February and June 2018. Within the monitoring framework, a number of websites belonging to academy’s scientific institutions were analyzed and evaluated based on criteria consisting of 16 items, including design, software, news dynamics, information availability and relevance, academician underlined.

The scientist said that, the official web portal of ANAS, responded to each of the 16 requirements during the evaluation and said that the portal was among the top sites of state agencies for the results of the monitoring conducted by the AR Presidential Administration.

At the end of his speech, he delivered a series of suggestions and recommendations regarding the creation and management of websites. He emphasized the importance of using the Google Analytics meter for the creation of websites of the Academy's non-web-based scientific institutions and organizations, their placement in their smaller domain zone, and web analytics of websites.

"Connection of AzScienceNet to GEANT requires multilingualism," said R. Alguliev, saying that it is expedient to create websites in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, English, Russian).

The scientist also noted the importance of holding relevant seminars and training for the high-level organization of the websites of ANAS scientific institutions and organizations.

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