Employees of the Institute attended the General Assembly of the GEANT Association and the Management Board of the EaPConnect project

30 November 2018 - 10:36 | Conferences, assemblies

A meeting of the Management Board of AzScienceNet Network was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Academician-secretary of the ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev, said that the meeting was dedicated to the discussion of Action Plan on GEANT ( Gigabit European Advanced Network Technology) Association and EaPConnect (Eastern Partnership Connect) project in AzScienceNet Science-Computer Network, including the EaPConnect and GEANT services.

R. Alguliyev informed that with the head of the International Relations Department of the Institute, Babek Nabiyev, he has attended the 16th meeting of the General Assembly of the GEANT Association held in  Amsterdam, Netherlands and EaPConnect Project Management Board meetings, on November 19-25, 2018.

During the visit, the scientist said that all the countries in the Eastern Partnership region (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, Armenia) are involved in the work on electronic science infrastructure, as well as in the implementation of the  KARDESSA  project within the framework of EaPConnect.

R. Alguliev said that the reports of the Eastern Partnership countries on the EaPConnect project was heard in the   EaPConnect project's Management Board. Presenting the report on the work done by Azerbaijan on the EaPConnect project, he said that he informed about the work done in this direction at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Deputy Director for Technology, Ph.D. in Technology, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov presented Action Plan of AzScienceNet science computer network on the GEANT Association and the EaPConnect project. He brought attention work to be implemented by 2020, according to the plan.

Regularly participation  in the project meetings and trainings in other countries, as well as organization of trainings in Azerbaijan, signing of the Memorandum between GEANT and AzScienceNet, creation of the Working Group on the implementation of the project in Azerbaijan, purchase of network equipment, and strengthening of regional connection in Azerbaijan (AzScienceNet) and Georgia (GRENA), as well as exchange of experience and cooperation with other science and education networks within the project were mentioned in the Action Plan, R. Alakbarov noted.

Works to increase of the number of research and education institutions involved in the AzScienceNet network and expand the Wifi and Eduroam service for science and education institutions in the country, increase traffic to 3GS / s on AzScienceNet network, develop website, eduGAIN service and provide national operator functionality, create a PerfSONAR network monitoring system, set up and launch the Filesender system, create an eduVPN  service, participate in the KARDESSA  project within EaPConnect and support the project,  implement of LOLA technologies in the country will be continued. 

Later, the Head of International Relations Department B.Nabiyev delivered a report on "EaPConnect and GEANT network services".


B. Nabiyev spoke about EaPConnect and GEANT network services.  He provided information on eduGAIN and PerfSONAR network monitoring service installation and setup, "Infrastructure as a Service / Clouds", a digital cultural heritage service for national scientific libraries, LoLa (Low Latency technology and service) audiovisual system, Green ICT project, eduVPN service providing secure access to non-secure networks, as well as, the capabilities of videoconferencing systems.


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