Significant scientific and theoretical results on the multifaceted problems of sosioinformatics achieved

29 November 2018 - 16:19 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the report of the department No.15 for 2018 was discussed.  Head of the department, Corresponding member of ANAS, professor Masuma Mammadova presented the report. Research on the development of scientific and methodological bases of intellectual support for decision-making in the e-government's human resources management infrastructure was conducted and a thesis was sent to the Higher Attestation Commission for defense and four more articles were published in the indexed journals, she said.

She also gave detailed information about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities in the department, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media and measures taken within international scientific cooperation. 3 monographs on "Electronic medicine: formalization and scientific-theoretical problems", “Интеллектуальное управление на рынке труда ИТ-специалистов" were published, Mrs. Mammadova noted. 

The exchange of views on the report was held, and many questions were answered. By the decision of the scientific board, the department report was considered satisfactory.

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