The problems of formation of information economy sectors studied

28 November 2018 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. Academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev said that the event was dedicated to the discussion of the annual reports of departments.

Head of the department, Ph.D. in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev presented the report for the year 2018 and said that in the current year the department has conducted research on the problems of the formation of the information society and problems of the information economy.

A. Aliyev emphasized that the study on the scientific and theoretical basis of the formation of information economy and its sectors, the study of the impact of IV industrial revolution components on the development of IT sectors and innovation structures, as well as studies on the multidimensional correlations of factors affecting the formation of the information economy's composite index, the development of the innovative economy and the methodology of development of the level of development were carried out.

He also gave detailed information about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities in the department, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media and measures taken within international scientific cooperation.

The exchange of views on the report was held, and many questions were answered. By the decision of the scientific board, the department report was considered satisfactory.

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