Modern scientific-theoretical problems of electronic terminology are investigated

28 November 2018 - 11:06 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the Report of the Department No5 for 2018 was discussed. Head of Department Sayyar Abdullayev presented the report and gave information about the research works. He said that this year scientific-theoretical problems of electronic terminology were analyzed in the field of information technology terminology, terminological processes management problems on the basis of the national terminology system were analyzed.

The speaker said that, research on the selection, translation, classification, systematization, etymological origin and history of creation of the most up-to-date terms gathered in different directions of information technologies was  carried out.According to him, in the collection of the most up-to-date terms,as well as  journals,conference materials on information technologies, also “EBSCO”, “EBSCO ebooks”, “ACM DL”,” IEEE CS DL”, “Springer Link”, “Web of Knowledge”,  “IOP publishing” electronic libraries was used. The head of department said that more than 100 terms were gathered some of them in Big Data, Wikipedia, bioinformatics, electronic waste and software engineering.

The reporter said that in the reporting year, the 4th part of the “Modern Terminology Dictionary on Information Technology” was published as express information.

S. Abdullayev said that the department staff participated in international and national scientific conferences this year and published articles in prestigious scientific journals. He also gave detailed information about the scientific and pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities in the department, the promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media and the activities carried out within the framework of international scientific cooperation.

 Views were exchanged around the report, questions were answered. By the decision of the Scientific Board, the department report was considered satisfactory.

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