The robot with the face of a child: the second generation from Japanese researchers

27 November 2018 - 09:28 | Technological innovations
The robot with the face of a child: the second generation from Japanese researchers

Japanese researchers from Osaka University presented the second generation of the Affetto robot, which looks like a child. According to scientists, he is able to express more emotions on the “face” than before.

The first generation Affetto has repeatedly been included in the list of the most creep robots in the world. But if the original version was very similar to the child (and this was frightening), then the second generation is not as impressive.

To make Affetto more emotional, the researchers followed the movements of 116 points on his “face”. The results of the study formed the basis of developments for the new robot.

Frankly, not much has changed. If the first generation only rotated his eyes and moved his lower lip, then the current robot has learned to blink, open its mouth and slightly stretch its corners into a kind of smile.

The creators of Affetto claim that the video in a random order appeared expressions of smile, surprise, interest and fun. In fact, it was rather variations with open and closed eyes, and also with a closed or open mouth. Especially creepy looked constantly twitching left eye. By the way, the robot spent almost the entire second half of the video with an open mouth.