Caspian Innovation Conference 2018 to be held

20 November 2018 - 15:27 | Important events
Caspian Innovation Conference 2018 to be held

On 4-7 December Caspian Innovation Conference will be held for the first time this year within the 24th Azerbaijan International Telecommunications, Innovations and High Technologies Exhibition-conference "Bakutel-2018".

Caspian Innovation Conference is going to be annual feature event of the BakuTel International Exhibition and will cover different themes such as Broadband Connectivity, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), E-services delivery, ICT based startups and innovative SMEs, 4th Industrial Revolution and knowledge-based manufacturing, Cybersecurity Readiness, etc.

Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan initiated a regional platform, Caspian Innovation Conference, to discuss the sectoral challenges, as well as effective partnership opportunities between the stakeholders of ICT sector.

Considering the vital role of the broadband infrastructure in the development of ICT services and solutions, this year’s conference will be organized under the theme “Digital Connectivity for Sustainable Development”.

While many countries in Eurasia and neighboring countries are land-locked or located away from existing broadband highways, digital connectivity solutions are very important in providing significant benefits to businesses and citizens. This year’s Caspian Innovation Conference will bring together government representatives, industry leaders, senior officials from the regulatory authorities and international organizations, as well as high-level management of the biggest telecom and satellite operators of the region to discuss solutions for reducing the digital divide, review connectivity options for foreign investments and enabling significant business efficiency.

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