IGF provides information on development of innovative economy in Azerbaijan

15 November 2018 - 15:12 | Important events

A delegation from Azerbaijan took part in the 13th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which was hosted by the Government of France at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris.

The delegation, led by the head of Department of Innovative Development of Information Society and Electronic Governance of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (MTCHT), Rashad Azizov, included the employees of the MTCHT and the United Nations Development Program. 

At the event, government representatives, businessmen, scientists and civil society representatives from different countries discussed topical issues related to the Internet.

The main purpose of the forum is to give recommendations to the public based on the results of discussions on the Internet Governance.

The forum opened with an introductory speech by President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres.

The president of TechAfganistan, Omar Mansoor Ansari, the head of the company APTLD, Leonid Todorov, and other authorized persons also took part in the event. 

The meeting provided information on the work carried out by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies in the field of Internet Governance, as well as on the Youth Internet Governance Forum (YIGF), which is planned to be held in Azerbaijan next year.

It was noted that the main purpose of the YIGF is to expand the innovative economy and to increase the e-participation potential of Azerbaijan and that the forum will contribute to the transformation of Azerbaijan into a regional ICT development center, expansion of cooperation and experience exchange between representatives of the local ICT industry and international specialists, and the involvement of regions in the national internet governance process.  

It was also noted that Azerbaijan pays special attention to the development of information and communication technologies and the Internet.

 “This is because the Internet is an information space, but at the same time, it plays the role of an environment encompassing public administration, education, health care, business, banking and other areas.

The Internet, as a global network, opens up in Azerbaijan new opportunities for the freedom of thought and expression, expansion of social networks, and the involvement of citizens in the management process."

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