An article on Application and Security Issues of Internet of Things in Oil-Gas Industry published in an international journal

07 November 2018 - 11:58 | Important events
An article on Application and Security Issues of Internet of Things in Oil-Gas Industry published in an international journal

An article “Application and Security Issues of  Internet of Things in Oil-Gas Industry” co-authored by Technical Director of the Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor  Rashid Alakbarov and Senior Research Fellow, Ph.D. Mammad Hashimov was published in “International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME)”  journal.

The article proposes an architecture based on new Internet of Things (IoT) for easy, safe, reliable and rapid data collection from sensors installed in oil and gas industry. Use of several Wireless Sensor Networks in the management of oil and gas platforms is researched. New opportunities created by processing of data collected via sensors for improvement of safety of oil platforms (deposits), optimization of operations, prevention of problems, troubleshooting and reduction of exploitation costs in oil and gas industry. At the same time, the article analyses the safety issues of different layers of the monitoring system with IoT architecture.

This work was financed by the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Note that IJEME is indexed in scientific bases like CrossRef, Google Scholar,MicrosoftAcademic Search, Baidu Wenku, CNKI Scholar.

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