Basics of computer technique researched

01 November 2018 - 11:59 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 18 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. An employee of Department Zumrud Ganbarova talked about the history of computational tools by presenting a report on "Fundamentals of Computer Techniques" and provided comprehensive information on the first computer, the first computer-controlled computer (ENIAC), clamping machine, arithmetic, analytical machine.

Speaking about the characteristics of computer generations Z.Ganbarova highlighted advantages of 5th generation computers.

These computers, which are widely distributed by the development of computer industry and artificial intelligence, have a higher productivity and reliability but meet new functional requirements in terms of quality.

By size and productivity, computers are divided into classes such as large, large (super), medium, small (mini), microcomputers, she noted.

Z.Ganbarova also presented the Neyman architecture, as well as the architecture and structure of the computer.

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