Telegram Desktop Saves Conversations Locally in Plain Text

01 November 2018 - 10:18 | Interesting information
Telegram Desktop Saves Conversations Locally in Plain Text

The desktop variant for Telegram secure messaging app fails to protect chat content locally and offers access to plain text conversations and media that otherwise travel encrypted.

A feature called ‘secret chats’ is available for those that want complete privacy for their communication, by using end-to-end encryption to guarantee that only the sender and the receiver can access the contents.These precautions are against tampering or breaking privacy in transit; the conversations and media files Telegram Desktop stores locally are fairly easy to access and read because they are not encrypted.

 Nathaniel Suchy was able to read the app's database and the messages saved there. In a conversation with BleepingComputer Suchy said that Telegram uses “a somewhat difficult to read, but otherwise, not encrypted, SQLite Database to store messages.”