Training Innovation Center hosted externship doctoral examinations

30 October 2018 - 15:17 | Important events

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS doctoral examinations of Ph.D. students on the subject of informatics were held. 11 Ph.D. and doctoral students participated in the exam.

The results of the electronic test conducted at the Institute's Training Innovation Center (TIC) were announced immediately after the exam.

In order to prepare for the minimum exams, TIC has organized courses beforehand for doctoral and Ph.D. students, providing them with theoretical and practical knowledge of informatics, and the use of information technology in scientific activities.

It should be noted that the doctoral exams of all the doctoral and Ph.D. students of the republic are usually held in January and June each year. For the doctoral and Ph.D. candidates on the eve of the defense, exceptional exams are held in April and October.

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