An article of the Institute’s employees was published in the International conference materials

25 October 2018 - 11:00 | Important events
An article of the Institute’s employees was published in the International conference materials

An article “Selection Virtual Machine in Mobile Cloud Computing ” co-authored by Technology Director, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov and Chief Specialist of the Institute Oktay Alakbarov  was published in the materials of international conference “9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2018)" held at India, Bengalore dated 10-12 July 2018.

The article provides a solution to the problem of placing mobile users' requests balanced on virtual machines, taking into account the technical capabilities of the cloud-based stations near the Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks-WMAN base stations. Also, the issue of identifying virtual machines, which ensures that the user's issue is solved within a set period of time and other requirements. Different characteristics of communications channels, virtual machines, communication channels between the user and virtual machines have been taken into consideration.

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