Security issues of corporate e-mail services were investigated

25 October 2018 - 12:14 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of department №4 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Opening the event, Technological Director, head of department, PhD, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov said that the seminar focuses on security issues of corporate e-mail services.

Employee of the institute, Samed Dursunov, talked about e-mail servers and e-mail service technology and service providers. He said that these servers include "Microsoft Exchange", "Sendmail", "Kerio MailServer", "IBM Lotus", "Postfix" and so on.

He provided information on theschedule of use of email servers in companies, the principle of email processing, and companies providing e-mail services.

According to the reporter, state agencies can seize the e-mail box for public monitoring and obtaining information about individuals, posting email providers, scanning letters through keywords but cybercriminals - sending spams, bank details and theft of personal information.

The reporter then informed the PRISM, the control program created by the US National Security Agency, that the annual spend for software was $ 20 million.

S.Dursunov talked about "AntiSpam", "AntiVirus", "AntiFishing" software used for complex solution to protect email from spam, viruses, spyware, fishing and unwanted content, as well as "ESET Mail Security",” Kaspersky Security for Mail Server”, “Dr.Web Mail Security”, “Trend Micro”, “Symantec”, “BitDefender GravityZone Security for Exchange”, and “SpamTitan”. The main functions of these software are double antivirus verification, multi-level anti-spam analysis, content filtering, automatic updating of antivirus and anti-spam databases and so on.

He also presented the security scheme of the email system and the scheme of operation of the "SpamTitan" system.

Discussions were held around the report, questions were answered.

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