Two theses discussed at the Dissertation Board

15 October 2018 - 13:58 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminar of the Dissertation Board was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The chairman of the meeting corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova and head of department,scientific secretary of the meeting ,corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev said that the seminar was devoted to the discussion of theses on the specialty of 3338.01 - "System analysis, management and information processing".

Senior researcher of the Institute, Rahila Hasanova, who presented the thesis on the topic "Development of methods and algorithms for the evaluation of researchers and scientific works", highlighted the issues of relevance, objectives of achieving the goal. She said that the study included an introduction, four chapters, summary and a total of 167 titles of literature and noted that 23 scientific papers were published on the subject.

The reporter noted that the assessment of scientific work of researcher and their awarding with various awards was one of the most important issues. She noted that the number of researchers and scientific articles doubled every 10-15 years, as well as since 1967 statistical indicators, the bibliometric indicators were used to assess the state of science. She also noted that in the modern era, scientometric indicators were used to assess the development of concrete science in different regions and to determine the rating of scientific societies (higher education institutions).

She stated that the objective of the work was to analyze existing systems for researchers' scientific activities and scientific works assessment, to develop new methods and algorithms.

Mrs.Hasanova presented results obtained in the thesis. According to the speaker, the current situation of scientometrics, including bibliometrics and webometrics, was examined and indices used in the scientific evaluation were analyzed, new indexes for the researcher's scientific activity were developed, a new method for preliminary automated examination of dissertation works, indexes for scientific journals evaluation and a method for assessing scientific articles has been developed.

Then the applicant answered numerous questions.

Experts on the thesis  - Ph.D., professor Bayram Ibrahimov and Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Shafagat Mahmudova, made a presentation on the dissertation work, stated that the problems were solved and scientific innovations were achieved. Scientists noted that the research meets the requirements of the High Attestation Commission for the dissertation offered to obtain a Ph.D. degree and made their remarks and proposals.

Prof. Masuma Mammadova, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Ismayil Ismayilov, PhDs on technical sciences, professors, associate professors Makrufa Hajirahimova, Shafaget Mahmudova, Bikas Agayev, Mehman Huseynov, Zafar Jafarov and others highlighting the relevance of the thesis and evaluating the obtained scientific results, expressed their opinion and suggestions.

In the end, voting was held and the thesis was unanimously recommended to pass to the next stage.

Professor M.Mammadova also gave a lecture on the topic of the thesis "Methods and algorithms for measuring interstate integration processes in the e-government environment".

The head of the department, Gulnara Nabibayova, presented the thesis and informed about the goals and objectives of the work, the relevance, scientific novelties and so on. She said that the dissertation was based on 4 chapters, 141 titles of literature and an appendix. 18 papers were published in national and international journals and conferences on the basis of the thesis.

N. Nabibayova noted that the main purpose of the thesis is to develop methods and algorithms for complex assessment of international integration processes in the e-government environment in order to increase the effectiveness of the foreign policy.

The lecturer informed about the analysis of topical methods and approaches for evaluating the integration of countries, development  of a new approach to determine the degree of integration of countries based on physical, as well as virtual space-related indicators, architectural-technological model of synthesis of a system for decision-making on international integration processes in the electronic state environment (QPDS) and its Data Warehouse architecture , development of fuzzy OLAP and methods for measuring the degree of integration of countries in e-government using the hierarchy of two-level indicators. She also spoke about the work done to develop a software package for computer experiments to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed methods and models.

G.Nabibeyova presented the outcomings obtained in the thesis.  In this case, the comparative analysis of existing approaches to the BIPQ in electronic government was carried out, its scientific and theoretical problems were identified, a conceptual approach to measuring the degree of integration of countries, not only physical but also virtual was developed. Also, an architectural-technological model of QQDS for the BPP was proposed, its interaction model was developed and polycubic fuzzy OLAP-cube model was developed.

In the end, voting was held and the thesis was unanimously recommended to pass to the next stage.

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