Smart Chessboard

28 September 2018 - 12:49 | Technological innovations
Smart Chessboard

The main thing in promoting any startup is to impress potential buyers. Start Off Square Off took a traditional game of chess and in all seriousness promises to bring it to a whole new level. The fact is that in the new version of chess they move themselves around the board on their own, obeying the player’s commands from the other end of the world.

There is a board, with a hidden mechanism for moving figures and a system for controlling their coordinates. There is an application for a smartphone to process data from the board and transfer them to the Internet. And there is an international club of fans to play chess with tens of millions of players, including large grandmasters. Ah, yes, there are still AI for beginners, who do not want to sit down to play with live people.

You think over the game, move the pieces, see the oncoming movement, and you know - somewhere your invisible chess opponent has just made his move. The Kingdom is $ 329, The Grand Kingdom is $ 399, this set includes a number of useful features - for example, automatic placement of pieces before the game, etc. Developing Square Off will be a great gift for chess lovers who are tired of playing them on the tiny screen of a smartphone.