Automatic detect methods of dactyl alphabet analyzed

01 October 2018 - 09:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. The chief specialist of the institute Kamala Gurbanova presented the report on "Alternative communication tools and methods of automatic identification of the dactyl alphabet" and gave information about alternative communication methods. This method is mainly used to help people who have difficulty communicating, completely or partially due to congenital anomalies or any event (illness, accident, etc.). Programs and apparatus designed to address the problem of transmitting people who have been deaf to an active member of the community can contribute to the development of this method.

She said that non-verbal semiotics, which is a type of semiconductor learning system, have various types of human activity such as paralinguistic, kinesics, oxules, olfaxia, chronomy, systemic illness, proxemic. She also informed about gesture recognition "Fingual", "Kinect", "WebGL", "SignWriting" and "HamNoSys" systems.

K.Gurbanova spoke about the existing methods of gesture recognition, the principle of working gesture systems, the recognition of the silhouette of the fingers and the bush algorithm to reveal the silhouette of the finger, and static and dynamic gestures. She presented the block algorithm's block diagram, indicating that the automatic translation of the gesture language includes hand movement, the consistent recognition of the gestures and their description of the text.

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