The staff of the institute visited the graveyard of the great scientist Lotfi Zadeh

21 September 2018 - 16:46 | Important events

Today, the collective of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS has visited the graveyard of the world-famous scientist, fuzzy sets theory and founder of fuzzy logic- Lotfi Zadeh and has laid a wreath at his grave.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev informed that theory of the fuzzy sets proposed by the great scientist L.Zade in 1965, has already come up with a generalized theory, covering all the definitions of classical mathematical concepts, proposed a fuzzy mathematical apparatus close to the natural intellect.

According to R. Alguliyev, Lutfi Zadeh, the author of a new study of human intellect and thinking, laid the foundations for a new civilization in human history with his theory and scientific heritage as a whole: "Years will pass, the tomb of the great scientist will go to the place of visiting intellectuals, ordinary people, as well as the scientists of the world ".

The academicians emphasized that the academicians of the relevant fields should be the researchers of the idea of Zadeh, as well as contribute to the promotion of this genius Azerbaijan in the international arena.

R. Alguliev noted that L.Zadeh's great scientific activity is always appreciated by President Ilham Aliyev. He noted that the genius scientist received his worthy assessment both in our country and in the world, and was awarded the prestigious awards for his great scientific activity.

L.Zada was born on February 4, 1921, in Baku, finished his elementary school at secondary school No16. In 1932 the family of the Aleskerzadeh had to move to South Azerbaijan. Lutfi Zadeh graduated from Electrical Engineering Faculty at Tehran University, where he graduated from high school and continued his education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after coming to the United States at the age of 23.

World famous scientist died on September 6, 2017, at the age of 96 in California. The scientist's corpse was brought to Azerbaijan on 29 September and was buried in the I Alley of Honor in accordance with his will.

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