Academician Rasim Alguliyev: "Our main goal is to further develop the scientific potential of the institute"

21 September 2018 - 09:35 | Conferences, assemblies

Academician Rasim Alguliyev, academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, voiced this opinion at the next meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute. Speaking about the results of the report for the first half of 2018, the scientist talked about scientific-innovation and scientific-organizational activities, works carried out within the framework of international scientific cooperation, scientific researches, as well as other measures within 6 months.

R. Alguliev noted that in the first half of 2018, the institute has developed the Big Data analytics, Intelligent data analysis technology, information security, cyberfizy systems research, cloud technologies, scientific and theoretical problems of software engineering, artificial intelligence and socio-information technologies, scientific-theoretical problems and other priority areas.

''Our main goal is to further develop the scientific potential of the institute'',-he noted. The scientist informed about articles published by the institute's staff as a result of scientific researches in 6 months. He said that 31 out of 116 articles were published abroad, 26 of them in the country, 57 of which 18 were included in high-indexed scientific bases.

The scientist also informed about the scientific figures and noted that the works of the Institute's staff were cited 417 - for the last 6 months, in the last 5 years - 4247, and in general - 5991 times.

The academician-secretary of ANAS also spoke about the work carried out within the framework of international scientific cooperation. In the first half of 2018, the institute collaborated with several international organizations and associations, held diverse meetings, participated in international projects, regional telecommunication network, conducted research with foreign scientists.

Then the scientist gave some recommendations on strengthening the scientific and innovative potential of the institute. The preparation of quality scientific articles, their publication in high-indexed journals, international bases, exchange of personnel and experience with scientific research institutions of foreign countries is one of the tasks facing the institute, he noted.

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