Baku hosts first regional training on cybersecurity for CIS countries

05 September 2018 - 16:54 | Conferences, assemblies

Regional training sessions on cybersecurity for the CIS countries are being held in Baku. The trainings organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are held with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

The purpose of trainings that are held in Azerbaijan for the first time in the CIS region is the exchange of information in order to increase the capacity of experts, manage the activities of cyber security incident groups, discuss issues related to the mechanism of activities, and conduct practical trainings on the prevention of cyber threats.

Along with representatives of national groups for responding to incidents of cybersecurity and profile regulatory bodies from the CIS countries that are members of the ITU, specialists from relevant state structures of Azerbaijan, as well as telecommunications operators, Internet providers, banks and other private companies are attending the trainings.

Over 75 people from 14 countries of Europe and Asia (including CIS, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) are taking part in the event. Trainings are conducted by experts representing international organizations.

Having delivered a welcoming speech at the event, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Velizade spoke about purposeful government policy pursued in Azerbaijan in the relevant field. Taking into account the increased use of state-of-the-art technologies in public administration and business activities in our country, the issues of cybersecurity are of particular importance. Saying serious attention is paid to these issues against the background of the general development of Azerbaijan, Elmir Velizade spoke on the development of a national strategy on cybersecurity with the participation of MTCHT and other state structures taking into account international practice.

According to the Deputy Minister, cybersecurity is of global nature, which increases the importance of strengthening international cooperation in this area, and regional trainings being held for the first time are one of significant steps taken in this direction.

Then a report on "Cybersecurity Initiatives in Azerbaijan" was heard. The participants of the event were informed about the work conducted on the basis of studying and analyzing international experience, as well as the activities of the Electronic Security Service under the MTCHT.

Program Coordinator of ITU Regional Office for the CIS countries Farid Nakhli spoke about ITU activities in the field of information security against the background of the daily updated technologies of cyberattacks. He stressed that global cooperation in the fight against cyber threats occupies a special place in the ITU work plan.

Farid Nakhli also said that the results of the Union's studies related to the measurement of the Global Security Index are currently being analyzed. The ITU representative also noted the importance of preparing national cybersecurity strategies and implementing the Action Plan on their basis.

It should be noted that the trainings will finish on September 7. In the course of cyber-trainings, according to 6 scenarios, the qualification of specialists in responding cyber attacks will be tested, which is useful in terms of increasing their experience and mastering advanced technologies.

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