A non-icing coating is created

04 September 2018 - 11:34 | Technological innovations
A non-icing coating is created

Experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are responsible for the development. And the device itself is pretty simple.

The basis is a three-layer material that has the ability to collect solar energy and convert it into heat. Moreover, the received energy is distributed over the entire surface of the coating, and does not heat up only in the place where the sunlight hit. At the same time, the new material works even at night, "feeding" on artificial light sources. The group of scientists, who developed the coating, is headed by the engineering professor MIT Krip Varanasi.

All materials were selected in such a way that the "thermal response" was rapid, and the heating occurred faster than freezing. In this case, all 3 layers are made of the most accessible materials in order not to increase production costs.

Now scientists want to test the material outside the laboratory, covering them with several roofs of buildings. After that experts will continue to work on improving the material in order to increase its strength and durability.