Japan Plans to Launch Satellites that will Monitor Space Junk

03 September 2018 - 10:00 | Interesting information
Japan Plans to Launch Satellites that will Monitor Space Junk

With the rise of satellites and space exploration comes a proliferation of space junk. As a way to protect their assets from the potentially dangerous debris, Japan is planning to launch special satellites.

The satellites are set to launch in fiscal 2028 and this endeavour would mark Japan’s first satellites designed to monitor outer space. Currently, Tokyo’s space surveillance initiatives depend primarily on information given to them by the U.S. military.

Although Japan’s Defense Ministry presently operates satellites, they are only used for purposes like communication with Self-Defense Forces troops or an early warning system.

However, the Defense Ministry is expected to start Earth-based surveillance of space in 2023. In its fiscal 2019 budget, the organization asked for money to purchase a radar system able to observe space at heights over 5,800 km, which it plans to situate in Yamaguchi Prefecture.