ANAS Institute of Geography named after H.Aliyev has been provided with virtual server

06 August 2018 - 10:00 | Important events
ANAS Institute of Geography named after H.Aliyev has been provided with virtual server

Large-scale state and international projects are being implemented thanks to extensive works in Azerbaijan over the past 20 years,. In this regard, a unified scientific and practical approach is needed to ensure the safety of the population and infrastructure and to take preventive measures to prevent emergencies and to make appropriate decisions in this area. At the same time, scientifically systematic study of natural and destructive natural disasters occurring in the territory of the country, and complex assessment of risks and risks that they can cause.

The "Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan", prepared by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated March 2, 2016, has a great socio-economic significance. The main purpose of the Atlas is to provide a rational use of natural resources, protection of population and residential areas, industrial and agricultural enterprises, other infrastructure facilities, including strategic oil and gas pipelines, communication lines, and development of production forces.

Responsible for the preparation of the "Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan" at the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev in the framework of the European Union's “Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters” in the Eastern Partnership Countries (PPRD East) made need for computers with high software and computing resources for the use of software, as well as geographical data collection and processing. For this purpose it was officially addressed to the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Taking into consideration the above mentioned, the 16-core (CPU Intel Xeon microprocessor), 32 GB of RAM and 2 TB external memory, based on “Debian Linux 7.11” operating system has been allocated for  Institute of Geography of ANAS  at the AzScienceNet Science Computer Network Data Processing Center that will allow the server to collect and process geographical data faster.

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