A mask that can affect the emotions of people

02 August 2018 - 10:33 | Technological innovations
A mask that can affect the emotions of people

MIT graduate Xin Liu showed her development - a high-tech mask Masque, which can change the emotions and sensations of the carrier. It captures the breath of a person and affects his mood.

The study began with a desire to test how a person's physiological processes can regulate his emotions and change his behavior without his knowledge. To do this, Lew created a device that captures the breath of the carrier and gives him the opportunity to listen to it.

Together with designer Hongsing, Dhang Lew developed a mask with hidden inside electronic mechanisms. Under the nose is a breathing sensor that fixes its frequency. Headphones of bone conduction reproduce breath at a certain loudness.

Two experiments showed that, when listening to headphones with their own frequent breathing at high volume, users noticed changes in the psychological state.

The developer does not plan to commercialize his device. But, she said, the mask is already ready for use in many areas, for example, for meditation.