The articles of the Institute's scientists are included in the materials of the COIA conference

30 Jule 2018 - 09:05 | Important events
The articles of the Institute's scientists are included in the materials of the COIA conference

On July 11-13, 2018, the article “Application of the Internet of Things in Oil-Gas Industry” co-authored by Technical Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov and PhD in Technical Sciences Mammad Hashimov, and the article“Selection issues of cloudlets in mobile cloud computing” which was co-authored by R. Alakbarov and chief specialist of the institute Ogtay Alakbarov were included to the conference materials of  “The 6th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (COIA)” whichwas held in Baku with the support of IEEE.

In an article titled "Application of the Internet of Things in Oil and Gas Industry," an architectura based on the Internet of Things Technology has been proposed for easy, secure, reliable, and fast data collection from oil and gas industry sensors. The issues of data collection via sensors, improvement of safety of oil platforms (fields) in oil and gas industry, optimization of operations, prevention of problems, elimination of errors and creation of new opportunities for reducing operating costs were investigated.

In the article titled “Selection issues of cloudlets in mobile cloud computing” the problems that emerged during the benefits and use of mobile cloud technologies were analyzed. The main indicators affecting the efficient use of cloud services in mobile computing clouds were analyzed.

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