Presented "Molla Nasreddin's anecdotes" book and portal at ANAS

12 Jule 2018 - 16:12 | Conferences, assemblies

On July 12, at Central Scientific Library of ANAS, presentation of the book "Molla Nasreddin's anecdotes" and  portal was held organized by Institute of Folklore and SOCAR AGS.

Academician Akif Alizadeh, president of ANAS, said that Molla Nasreddin, one of the most unique monuments of Turkic folklore as well as Azerbaijani folklore, has gained popularity not only in Turkic and Muslim countries, but also in European and Far Eastern countries. The scientist said that interest in folklore in social and humanitarian sciences has increased significantly in recent years, and emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary research in this direction.

Folklore is a system of knowledge that is universalized in the people's memory, said the head of ANAS, adding that folklore is a system of outlook that reflects the religious, mythological, ethical, aesthetic and philosophical aspects of popular thought.

Academician A.Alizade underlined the importance of collecting, cataloging and researching the speeches of Molla Nasreddin, emphasizing the role of folklore in promoting social optimism, social stress reduction, strengthening of communication on the basis of civil and liberal values ​​and social integration. She appreciated the creation of "" portal as a result of collaboration between the book and the Institute of Folklore and Information Technology, from scientific, cultural and didactic-educational point of view.

Scientific secretary of the Presidium of ANAS, Doctor of Philology, Hikmat Guliyev, who presented the book to the participants of the event, said that in the publication contains more than 600 anectodes from about 30 sources. Anecdotes in the collection for the broader readers are based on moral, ethical and didactic principles.

H. Guliyev also noted that a number of archaic words were also explained in the book, adapted to the requirements of modern literary language in terms of language and style, and a 48-color illustration.

Then, the first vice-president of SOCAR, acad. Khoshbakht Yusifzadeh noted that Azerbaijan, which is on the path of rapid socio-economic development, today is recognized not only by the international economic power, but also by its spiritual values ​​and cultural heritage.

The geopolitical and economic position of Azerbaijan over the past two hundred years has been reflected in the cultural leadership of mugham, music, sport, folklore and intellectual activity, said academician H.Yusifzade speaking about the diversity of Molla Nasreddin's jokes, besides the content, has been a rich source of information about our nation's experience and the world of knowledge acquired over the millennium. When the world is facing global challenges, Molla Nasreddin's anecdotes are a moral source of people seeking solutions to existing problems, and the ability to create harmonious models that can create harmony between social relationships.

Then Vice President of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Literature of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli spoke about the role of folklore in the formation, research and propagation of the modern Azerbaijani ideology. Noting that Molla Nasreddin is a common cultural heritage and a cultural monument of all Turkic worlds, propaganda of this value in modern conditions is a universal event. The scientist emphasized the importance of the book and portal presented in this regard.

Director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanovspoke about Molla Nasreddin's image and its place in culture. Molla Nasreddin should be widely studied in multidisciplinary context, the speaker stated.

Academician Rasim Alguliev, academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, noted that, the portal "" has been prepared by the decree of President Ilham Aliyev on "National Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020".

These folk samples, formed over the millenniums, were collected and modeled on the basis of semantics and content. Establishing "virtual monument" is a contribution to the whole world of Azerbaijanis, Academician R. Alguliev lined out.

Speaking at the presentation, the scientific secretary of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in philology Sarkhan Khavery and PhD in Philology Sonmez Abbaslistated necessity of owning Molla Nasreddin's phenomenon, along with the massive level. The book and portal, prepared on the basis of special scientific principles, will create favorable conditions for research in this direction.

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