Researches on multifactorial problems of sosioinformation technologies are continued

09 Jule 2018 - 13:20 | Conferences, assemblies

Head of Department No. 15 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Masuma Mammadova presented the semi-annual report of the Department.

Earlier, the researcher reported that research on the development of scientific and methodological bases of intellectual support of human resource management decisions was successfully conducted, and in the first half of the current year a thesis  was sent to the High Attestation Commission for defense and 4 articles were published in journals that have high reference indexed bases.

Prof. M.Mammadova informed IT specialists on the labor market research on the topic of intellectual management of supply and demand, and noted that 3 articles on the results were published in high-indexed journals.

Then, prof. M.Mammadova conducted research on the topics of modeling of relationships between medical social networking subjects and the definition of main subjects, their segment of interest and relevant relationships, classification of issues on decision-making in these networks and their relevance; the results were reflected in published articles.

M.Mammadova informed about the research on the conceptual basis of the intellectual monitoring system on constant monitoring of the physical condition of employees at high-risk sites using the Internet of Things.

Discussions were held on the report; a number of proposals were put forward .

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