An international conference discussed the use of information technologies in construction

05 Jule 2018 - 16:12 | Conferences, assemblies

An international scientific-practical conference on "The possibilities and prospects of application of information technologies and systems in construction" kicked off in Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (AUAC) on July 5.

The event organized by the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS and AUAC and was attended by specialists of relevant state agencies, higher education institutions and information technology specialists of scientific research institutes of ANAS, as well as media representatives.

Opening the conference, the rector of the university, Professor Gulchohra Mammadova spoke about the importance of the international event devoted to the actual issue for the modern day. She emphasized the importance of such a conference at a time when we lived in the age of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Stressing the rapid development of science and technology in the 21st century, scientific and practical innovations, the application of IT technologies in all spheres of life, the rector spoke about the advantages of the construction of ICT for construction companies.

Science, education and acquisition of new knowledge are important factors in modern times, Chairman of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor Kamran Imanov noted.

The use of modern technologies, including information and communication technologies, is considered to be one of the key conditions for global development. In the future, the use of smart technologies in construction of the city will be a priority, the scientist added.

IT technologies are an integral part of modern life and the technologies are successfully applied in various sectors in international practice. As a result of the development of information and communication technologies, today new tools are being used in all spheres, and new forms of services are created that provide different services, Elmir Velizade, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan underlined.

Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliev spoke on the application of information technologies in construction. Today, Azerbaijan has made great achievements in the construction sector of the modern development stage and has made contributions to the world architectural treasury in this area over the past decades, the scientist emphasized.

The time has come for the development and implementation of the "Electronic Baku" program, said R. Alguliev, urging scholars and specialists working in the relevant field to bring the cities of Azerbaijan into e-cities, focusing on the solution of the fateful issues.

Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, Professor Misir Mardanov also praised the conference on "The possibilities and prospects of application of information technologies and systems in construction". He said that a number of achievements have been achieved recently with the wide application of information technologies in various socio-economic spheres.

At the plenary session of the conference Director of the Institute of Management Systems of ANAS, Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems of ANAS, academician Telman Aliyev and the Uzbek scientist Ibrohimali Normatov made reports.

It should be noted that 110 lectures are expected to be listened at the two-day conference.

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