Research on the problems of e-science formation is being continued

05 Jule 2018 - 15:25 | Conferences, assemblies

The semi-annual report of Department No 3 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2018 was discussed. The Head of department Tahmasib Fataliyev, spoke about the results of the work done over a half year. He noted that in the department issues on the problems of Big data and methods of solution of problems of formation of e-science within the main scientific direction of the institute, effects of civil science on the development of science were investigated. Also, the role of e-science in the development of civil science in the context of the new direction of e-science and the role of e-science in its development and international experience in the application of Internet of Things Technologies in the oil and gas complex have been analyzed, the existing technical and software tools have been studied and conceptual issues of its application have been worked out.

He also informed about the work done in the scientific and innovation activities, and researches on grant projects was carried out on the “Development of new methods and algorithms for the synthesis of electronic science and its functional subsystems" financed by the Science Development Fund  under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the “Investigating the application problems of Internet of Things in the gas and oil industry”. According to T.Fataliyev, the institute has involved in the activity of scientific institutions of ANAS in the monitoring of complex issues requiring great calculation, memory resources and high speed Internet traffic.

Speaking about the results of the department's research activities, the reporter noted that some articles were published and discussed at scientific conferences.

T.Fataliyev also informed about the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department staff, the preparation of various publications, the establishment and development of international scientific cooperation relations, and the work done to promote scientific and practical results in mass media.

Discussions were held around the report, a number of proposals and recommendations were given.

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