Application areas of fractal graphics and prospects for development are investigated

04 Jule 2018 - 15:05 | Conferences, assemblies

Anar Samidov, Head of Department No. 18 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, informed about it during the half-year report of the department. Within frame work of thesis  "Development of methods and algorithms for improving the effectiveness of advertising-marketing activities on the Internet", the role of recommendation systems and the scientific theoretical basics, the algorithms for creating an advisory system based on user data in Internet advertising are developed, he noted.

A.Samidov noted that  research on application areas of fractal graphics and development perspectives, Current state of 3D technologies, the transformation of information from virtual space to real space were carried out,  seminars on these topics  were held in the department .

The head of department gave information on the work carried out in connection with the introduction of design materials for the ANAS General Meeting, preparation of greetings and business cards, printing and binding of express-information books , printing of theses  and synopsises , Introduction and processing of photo materials in the "Multimedia Gallery".

A.Samidov also informed  about the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department’ s  staff, participation in international and national scientific-technical conferences, preparation of various publications, establishment and development of international scientific cooperation relations, work on promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media.

Discussions were held on the report; a number of proposals were put forward .

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