Problems of the formation of terminology information are investigated

04 Jule 2018 - 12:26 | Conferences, assemblies

A six-month report of the current year 16 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was discussed. The head of department , Gulnara Nabibayova, informed about the work done. Speaking about the research work, the reporter said that the scientific and theoretical problems of the formation of information technologies and the establishment of information society are being investigated on the development  of  effective methods.

Research on theses  "Development of methods and algorithms for measuring interstate integration processes in the electronic state environment" on the problems of e-government formation,  "Evaluation and of Indicators  of Web Resources in e-government Environment  and its intellectual  Analysis " on problems of web technologies, Development of Methods and Algorithms for Creating Terminology Information System in Azerbaijan" on the problems of the formation of terminology informatics, "Transliteration of Azerbaijani language graphics with English language graphics" on  on application of Azerbaijani language in virtual space are being carried out and  as a result of research, several articles were published, she noted.

websites of journals  "Information Technology Problems of the Institute" and "Information Society Problems" were redeveloped , International Relations, as well as websites of science and education departments, web portal of diaspora  of Azerbaijani scholars and other sites were developed.

Permanent support of ANAS official web-site and web-site, websites of AzScienceNet Data Center, monitoring of web-sites of ANAS institutes and organizations, etc. works are being carried out.

The head of department also gave detailed information on scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, participation in scientific conferences and symposiums, publication of articles in well-known scientific journals, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media and work done on international scientific cooperation.

Discussions were held on the report; a number of proposals were put forward .

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