The international situation on innovative prospects of information economy investigated

03 Jule 2018 - 15:11 | Conferences, assemblies

Semi-annual report of Department No. 8 was delivered at  the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS . The head of the department, PhD in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev presented information about the problems of formation of the information society economy and solutions.

He informed that within six months, the department has explored the scientific and theoretical bases for the formation of information economy and its sectors within the framework of "Investigation of problems of formation of information economy sectors and evaluation of innovative perspectives". Scientific-theoretical, methodological approaches in the formation and development of information economy were studied, specific methods of research and approach to information economy, mathematical-economic, econometric research methods were analyzed.

He gave information on the impact of the fourth industrial revolution component on the development of information and economic sectors and innovation structures.

Mr. Aliyev noted that the study of the effects of the IV industrial revolution on the formation of information economy sectors, the development of new industries and innovative technology parks, and the prospect of the IV industrial revolution components in innovative structures were carried out.

Information on the development of the methodology for assessing the formation and innovative perspectives of information economy and  methodology for calculating Gross Domestic Product (GDP) formed by knowledge were proposed, the composite index of the economy of information and knowledge and relevant hierarchical indexes, subindexes and indicators system were developed, he noted.

He also noted that the problems of developing information-based economy sectors on green technologies are one of the research spheres of the department. He said that within 6 months, department’s staff analyzed the problems of the economy, the economy of the information and knowledge-based economy, as well as, the international and regional situation on the formation of the green information economy.

The head of the department underlined that general principles of modeling of innovative production processes in technoparks were developed within the dissertation "Development of models and mechanisms for efficient organization and management of innovative activities of technoparks" and a multi-factor regression model of innovative product / service production in technoparks were build.

He noted that during the first six months of the current year, the department staff presented 1 report on the international scientific-technical conference, 5 articles were published, 2 articles are in publication. 3 of them were published in foreign journals indexed in well-known international bases.

A.Aliyev also spoke about scientific-organizational activities in the department, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media, and the work carried out within the framework of development of international cooperation.

Discussions were held on the report; a number of proposals were put forward .

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