The English language examinations for the Institute’s staff terminated

28 June 2018 - 11:00 | Important events

As known, English language courses were organized for employees of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

The courses that started in February were conducted twice a week with English language teaching, once with lectures, and during the course various textbooks and useful websites were used.

41 employees (25-65 years of age) participated in the courses, and 6 groups (4 beginners, 1 elementary, 1 pre-intermediate) were formed on the basis of their online exam scores. A team of teachers of the institute with high level of English language skills was established for the project organization. The courses were held in 4 months for 12 hours per month (3 lessons per week).

Examinations have been conducted recentlyfor each level in order to conduct a final assessment of the knowledge gained by the Institute staff . According to the results, the knowledge of the staff of the institute was considered satisfactory and certificates were given to the graduates of the course. The senior specialist of the institute, Gulnar Pashayeva, the programmer of the Institute on elementary level Hajar Aliyeva and the translator of the institute Samira Mehraliyeva showed the highest results.

It is planned to continue the courses.

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