Robot vs man: who is the best pianist?

14 June 2018 - 12:47 | Interesting information
Robot vs man: who is the best pianist?

In the concert hall of Beijing, a piano competition took place between the robot Teotronico and the Italian pianist Roberto Prosseda. In the battle of man and technology, the participants acted on an equal footing.

The competitors were tested for possession of almost all the techniques of playing the piano. They had to play the music of Chopin, Mendelssohn, Liszt and Beethoven. Evaluation of students was determined by their applause.

In such categories as dexterity, accuracy and duration of the game, the robot won. However, the transition from forte to piano, continuity and emotionality of the game was better for the pianist. Prosseda believes that although a person can make mistakes in the game, the machines will never be able to replace real musicians.

Teotronico is able not only to reproduce the music of great pianists with the help of its 53 fingers, but also to write it independently, and can also communicate with people and express their emotions.