Report on the rules for compiling the book delivered

01 June 2018 - 10:58 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS the next seminar of Department № 18 was held. Zulfiyya Hanifayeva, sector chief of the department, made a report on the theme of "Book Design Rules", and gave information about the structure of the book, standard sizes, font requirements, correction, printing, etc.

According to a single international standard, print media with a volume of more than 48 pages and works less than 48 pages are referred to as books, she noted.

She provided information on the design of books and noted that they were of different sizes and volume. She said that the standard book consisting of title page, copyright, annotated page, table of contents and so on. According to the content, the book is a kind of educational, scientific and medical literature, children's literature, political, technical and religious literature.

Z.Hanifayeva emphasized that the name, address, number and date of issuance of the publishing and printing product, the date of issue, year of issue, date of signing the manuscript, number of pages of publishing, format, number of pages. information is important in each copy of the finished product. She noted that when choosing the format of the book, its purpose, scope, genre, content, size of paper and other factors should be considered.

Reporter provided information about fonts and noted that fonts are divided into books, newspapers, posters, banners according to their fixing and area of use.

The chief of the sector also pointed out the stages of the printing process at the Institute's "Information Technologies" publishing house.  She said that the book was first picked up in A5 format and released into Pdf format. The product to be printed will be electronically accepted.  After that, the sample copy is checked and verified by the author. The book is handed over to the author after several copies have been printed.

She also provided information about ISBN (International Standard Book Number), standard size of the book, graphic elements of the letters, font requirements, and so on.

Discussions were held around the report, questions were answered.

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