Thesis on the theme "Development of methods for assessing the information culture of individuals" defended

25 Mai 2018 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminar of the Dissertation Board was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Chairman of the Board,  D.Sc., Professor Alakbar Aliyev noted that the meeting  was dedicated  to the defense of  Rasmiyya Mahmudova ’s thesis  titled "Development of methods for assessing the information culture of individuals"  on the specialty 3338.01 - "System Analysis, Management and Information Processing".

Head of the Training Innovation Center, Rasmiyya Mahmudova, presented the thesis and noted that thesis had 4 chapters, conclusion and 207 indexes. She noted that 19 scientific papers were published on themes, 10 of which were published in scientific journals and 9 reports on international and national conferences.

The speaker informed the audience about the relevance  of the thesis, the scientific innovation, the purpose and the goals set for achieving this aim.

R.Mahmudova noted  that the level of use of information in modern times has a significant impact on people's living conditions, as well as on economic, political, cultural and scientific development perspectives. The negative impact of the volume and content of the information on people's behavior, health and psychology and so on. challenges, as well as, the calls made by UNESCO and other international organizations to specifically prepare people for the living conditions in the information society were the factors that conditioned the relevance of the work.

She noted that the purpose of thesis was to analyze various views and approaches on information culture, to define its structure, to formulate criteria for the structure and to develop methods for evaluating individuals based on them.

R.Mahmudova presented the work done to achieve the goal of thesis . During the research, it was revealed that the current viewpoints of individuals in the context of general cultural context were systematized and analyzed in terms of information culture requirements, the new concept of information culture for individuals, mathematical models and methods for measuring and evaluating individuals' information culture, and the adequacy of these methods computer experiments were carried out.

Then, applicant answered questions. 

Then, academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev noted that that there are different views on the Information Culture in the modern era and the results obtained in the dissertation work are scientific novelties.

The official opponents of the thesis  D.Sc., professor Javanshir Mammadov and D.Sc., professor Latafat Gardashova made a speech and stated that the results obtained in the dissertation were scientific novelties and made their suggestions and remarks.

Deputy director of institute, PhD., Rashid Alakbarov, corresponding member,  D.Sc., professor Masuma Mammadova, corresponding member,  D.Sc., Ramiz M. Aliguliyev, PhDs, associate professors  Zarifa Jabrailova, Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Firuddin Agayev and Alovsat Aliyev, D.Sc., professor Nadir Agayev made their suggestions and remarks.

At the end of seminar, a secret ballot was held and a petition was submitted before the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with regard to granting a PhD degree in technical sciences.

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