Monitoring of medical segments of social networks in Azerbaijan is underway

24 Mai 2018 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the next seminar on the "Doctor-patient attitude in social media" was held.

Aytac Isayeva, employee of the department presented the report. She informed about the rating of doctors specialized in various fields of medicine in social medical networks, medical social networks in Azerbaijan, content of appeals to social networking sites, detection of positive and negative trends in appeals, doctor-patient attitude, instrumental and affective relationships and etc.

Currently, 26 percent of clinics in different countries use social networks to improve the services offered to patients, to seek information, to organize staff, to study the opinions of leading health care providers, and to establish relationships with medical apparatus manufacturers, she noted.

Doctors use more than social media than Experts in other areas, Ayatc Isayeva noted. According to a survey conducted in 2017, 80 percent of world doctors use social media for personal contact, professional communication and research.

The speaker spoke about the current situation in this sphere in Azerbaijan and noted that professional social societies functioning in our country have been linked to doctors in a single portal.

According to her, networks such as "hekim.tap", "", "", "" creates opportunities to create a consulate for doctors, explore clinical situations with more experienced colleagues, get valuable practical recommendations and so on.

Noting that patients have become active users of social societies in recent years, the reporter said that they communicate with other patients with the same disease and have access to information and emotional support, free consultation with doctors, or information on initial treatment and symptoms of the disease. She emphasized that in Azerbaijan, patients obtain more medical information using Facebook.

The interaction between the doctor and the patient affects the patient's health in several ways," said the reporter, adding that the interaction between the doctor and the patient was classified as instrumental behavior and affective behavior. She presented the results of a survey conducted on the Youtube social network to determine the affective and instrumental behavior of the doctor-patient relationship.

A.Isayeva also provided detailed information on technical, sarcal, collaborative and contractual models of doctor-patient relationship.

The reporter noted that social networking is a powerful resource that can pose a serious threat to the patients: "The non-professional diagnosis, distorted content distribution can aggravate the health of the patients, raise their chronic illness and cause death risk. At the same time, the violation of the confidentiality of patients may have risks such as damaging the reputation of the doctors. "

The speaker said American Medical Association, American Doctors' Association, the Mayo and Cleveland Clinic, and some other healthcare facilities have created social media policies to help prevent such problems. Creating this policy will help protect the professional boundaries with the patients, protect the confidentiality of the patient's personal information, and so on.

Discussions were held on the report, head of department, corresponding member of ANAS, prof. Masuma Mammadova gave her recommendations on research development trends.

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