A social robot that helps airport passengers is testing

15 Mai 2018 - 12:45 | Technological innovations
A social robot that helps airport passengers is testing

The industry of artificial intelligence is actively developing and helps to automate routine business processes. Robots have learned to establish not only production systems, but also direct communication with customers.

In early May, the Swedish startup Furhat Robotics introduced its social robot. Outwardly it looks like a humanoid bust that can listen and talk. Its goal is to help people and provide so-called smart services.

Now the robot is being tested at the Frankfurt airport. There he listens to the passengers' questions and gives practical recommendations on aircraft transplants and baggage arrivals. According to passengers, the robot understands English with an accent without any problems and gives intelligible instructions about delays in flights and the location of the nearest fast food.

Director of Furhat Robotics Samer Al Mubayed believes that robots can help people everywhere: in the home, in schools, in hospitals or shopping centers.

As noted by the developers of Furhat Robotics, their business model is to develop a platform on which to implement any environment for interaction between the robot and the person. The technology is already fully ready to serve people.

Another factor that contributes to the rapid development of the robotics industry is the EU authorities supporting companies that work in the field of artificial intelligence. In addition to grants, they simplify the release of innovative developments to the market.