Scientific seminar on "Participation forms of citizens in civil science" was held

16 April 2018 - 17:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department № 3 was held at the Institute of Information Technologyof ANAS.

Firstly, the head of the department, Tahmasib Fataliyev, said that the event was dedicated to the theme of "Participation forms of citizens in civil science". He spoke about the role of modern information technologies and volunteer participants in the emergence, formation and development of e-citizen science. Noting that research has been carried out in this department for many years, the scientist pointed out that the results were discussed at the scientific workshop.

Then the employee of the department Nargiz Verdiyeva gave information on the topic. The rapporter noted that scientific cooperation, online environments, participation of citizens in science are factors forming civil science.

N. Verdiyeva presented a conceptual model of a civilian science project, stressed that it includes management, data collection, processing, analysis and interpretation.

She also talked about key indicators of civilian science projects. She said that these indicators include clear purpose, full information resources, citizen's responsibility and so on.

The reporter gave information on the results of searches on civil science for 2008-2017. According to her, in Google a total of 30030000, with a growing dynamics of the last five years 727,000, and Google's Scholar 36,000 and 11900 scientific resources regarding to key word “Citizen science” were revealed.

Referring to the statistics of scientific publications over the last 10 years, N. Verdiyeva said that the number of publications in 2008 was 15 and 180 in 2017. She also presented its classification according to their type, statistics and other indicators.

In the end, the reporter spoke about the contribution of civil science to areas such as science, education, society and the media.

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